Say Yes

Life is a funny thing. You can spend the bulk of your days with good friends for 10 years, and then directions and responsibilities change and Oh How You Miss Them! There are memories, of course — laughter, working together on heady projects, communal exhaustion, (and more laughter).

And then there’s this:

You travel 3,587 miles (unless you’re directed, oddly, through London, and then it’s a bit more), and end up spending 33 days in heaven — first with one of your best girls and then with two more.

Who says magic is an illusion?

Unplanned joy is one of the greatest gifts in our lives, and somehow … somehow, the wheels turn quite on their own and and we find our true directions without even looking.

Bliss is everywhere, but you have to be watching for it, and then you have to say Yes.

Always say Yes.

Inspired by a month-long artist residency graciously provided by Olive Stack Gallery, Listowel, Ireland

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